Architecture and resilience on a human scale

10–12 September 2015


An international conference focusing on research, strategies and projects to build local resilience in preparation for societal challenges, such as global warming, scarcity of resources, increase in extreme weather events and shifts in demographics.

The event is for researchers and practitioners involved in neighbourhood research, addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation, co-working and ddesigning with communities an case studies of neighbourhoods projects that enhance local resilience. 

The ARCC Network has teamed up with Future Cities Catapult to deliver a workshop on disrupting the incumbent city of the future.

Disrupting the incumbent city of the future

The basis for the built environment of the ‘city of the future’ is already here.  Open knowledge, open design, the ‘internet of things’ and digital manufacturing have the potential to enable people to hack, shape, change and improve their homes and neighbourhoods to better meet their needs. This power to create cannot just result in changes to the design of resilient buildings. It will necessitate changes to economic, political and social forms. Some suggest that we are entering the third industrial revolution in placemaking.

This workshop will display the latest in urban innovation and will facilitate, through a ‘shock’ scenario (catastrophic flood), participants to deconstruct and challenge our incumbent city of the future. They will explore through the eyes of future data-rich citizens what the implications are for smart technology and the underpinning ‘invisible forces’ of how our built environment and supporting infrastructure is designed, produced, refurbished and governed in an age of open source, potentially individual-centric, knowledge. The workshop will culminate in participants developing a manifesto for how climate-smart, resilient cities can be delivered with the shackles of our incumbent regime removed.