University of Oxford Biochemistry building

ARCC news for November 2017

Hello All,

We finished our Adaptation in Practice series celebrating the 20th anniversary of UKCIP with a showcase event on 20 November – teaming up with colleagues from Griffith University in Australia, we heard from UKCIP originals, former directors, staff and peers. Key topics were discussed such as policy-needs, climate services, communication, using research in industry and the bringing together of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) communities. Our friends from Griffith also shared some of their latest research from the Pacific Islands, on Australia’s leading chick-pea industry, and landscape change. Check out the UKCIP showcase page for the presentations as well as our short-video from the UKCIP directors.

Roger B Street

Principal Investigator

From the ARCC network

ARCC early career researcher workshops

We delivered two more early-career researcher workshops this month, including the popular stakeholder engagement as well as a new programme around showcasing research. We had some fantastic feedback and requests for ‘one more’, so can you let Tanya Wilkins know if you or anyone in your research group would be interested for early February 2018?

A variety of new resources are available for you now, including presentations, summary reports, tips and tricks.

Call for Entries: Green infrastructure design challenge

Closing: 19 February 2018

The ARCC network and CIBSE are delighted to officially launch the third annual GI Challenge! Supported by ecobuild, this challenge provides an opportunity to showcase what constitutes a healthy, productive and sustainable urban environment both now and into the future in the context of a changing climate. Check out our website for all the entry details, and please contact Tanya Wilkins if you would like to find a team.

We want your research for ecobuild – from the natural to the neural network

Would you like the opportunity to showcase your research at ecobuild between 6-8 March 2018? In partnership with ecobuild, we are delivering a research feature showcasing the latest in robotics as it is applied to the built environment, and also those projects inspired by nature. If you are funded by a UK Research Council, then please complete our short online form to indicate your interest.

New report: UCL urban heat vulnerability

This project sought to disseminate overheating research outcomes to external organisations and policymakers, and to cooperate with the London Borough of Hounslow to provide modelled overheating risk data at building and address level that could be integrated into their existing emergency management systems.

Opportunities & events

Event: Increasing civil society’s capacity to deal with changing extreme weather risk

1 December, Sheffield

This interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder seminar brings together people from academe, policy and practice to discuss current extreme weather risk management from UK and international perspectives. A range of speakers from organisations including the Cabinet Office, Environment Agency and Sheffield Chamber of Commerce shall talk about contingency planning for flooding locally, nationally and internationally. Additional contributions will provide international perspectives and insights on spontaneous volunteering and social media crisis communications from researchers working in these areas.

Event: Intersections between risk and resilience

5 December, 2017, Loughborough

This workshop will focus specifically on examining strategies and architectures for resilience by looking at the intersections between resilience and risk across inter/transdisciplinary domains. The idea is to look at what strategies might work in one domain and be relevant in another domain. If you are interested in the intersections between water supply, energy supply, food supply, natural resources, transport and critical Infrastructures, then please register to attend.